January 31, 2013

Unresolved Interviews

Photo Courtesy of iStock Photo
I had a couple of interviews a week and a half to two weeks ago.  In one case I was informed that I was the final interview and the other that I was the first.  In both cases the decision for the new hire or another round of interviews was to be made by the end of that week or by the next Monday "at the latest".

So basically less than a week......

....and now that another week has come and gone I'm assuming that I'm not getting either job, but it would be nice to know for sure.  While I'm not waiting by the phone and am going on with things like  continuing my online courses, it is frustrating to not be afforded some professional courtesy.

I have reached out to the HR departments involved with both positions via email and have not heard anything substantial.  I get that there are a lot of people looking for work.  I get that HR departments have a lot to do.  I also get that sometimes things happen and your timelines get messed up.  What I don't get is how as an employer you don't extend some basic consideration towards those that you interview.  These people aren't applicants who have been sloughed off your potential hire list during a series of resume reviews.  These people made your cuts and were part of the small group of people you wanted to come in and talk with you about joining your team.

What kind of message are you putting out there if you so easily dismiss these people you actually interview?  You saw something in them once, is it unreasonable to assume you might want to work with them in the future....even if you hired someone else for this open position?  Is it possible that these people might be future customers?

I do not understand why an employer....any employer, would be so eager to let this opportunity go all for the want of some common courtesy.  While I feel a phone call is warranted for someone who comes in to interview at your company, an email or letter....especially after that person has waited a respectful amount of time before inquiring politely, is not too much to ask.

The older I get the more I realize, much to my dismay, that common courtesy is anything but common.

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