To the best of my knowledge I've never made a "bucket list". If you don't know what a Bucket List is, I'll just have to refer you to a movie by the same name.
I've never seen the movie, which is odd since I like both Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, but maybe someday. No, I'm not going to put watching the Bucket List on my Bucket List. That would be funny in a Meta sort of way though, wouldn't it.
For the record, I don't think everything on a Bucket List has to be "good" and "positive", and some things can be pretty effed up, but I'm not judging and I hope you don't either. Here are 10 items for my Bucket List. If I was making a generic Bucket List I'd be proud to say some things would already be checked off. These are presented in no particular order.
- Fly a plane
- Earn my MBA
- Earn a Doctorate (honorary degree would still count)
- On the same day see the Sun rise over the Atlantic and set over the Pacific.
- Salt the Earth of my Enemy so that nothing will grow there (some old-school vengeance)
- Meet someone with my exact same name (Christopher James Stogdill)
- Take my wife to see where I lived in Germany
- Walk in the Vierdaagse again.
- Pay my respects to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
- Hold $1,000,000 in my hands
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