My preferred gift is usually something I've made. Often my gifts end up being more expensive than if I'd bought one, but I have a lot of fun putting sometimes figuring them out and then putting them together. Right now I have several presents in the works that I cannot blog about 'cause I don't want to ruin the surprise....that and if they don't work out the recipient isn't wise to what he didn't get when he turned 53.

I remember looking up what size an average buffalo skin was and cutting out small pieces of leather to scale and then stitching them together with sinew. Using a small array of rulers and calipers I tried my best to keep it all to scale. A scrap of wood from the garage was cut, sanded, and stained for base and then I put some green fabric over the top to simulate grass. The inside is actually furnished and the center was a small fake firepit that was wired with a small bulb and battery pack. With a flip of the switch you could see the furnishings once you flipped back the door flap.

My father still has it in his office. It is the only gift I've given him that I'm aware he's kept. Not bad for a hacked together gift from a 20 year old.
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