July 4, 2012

1,000,000 Words PSA for 4th of July Safety

Today is the 4th of July here in the United States.  I get a lot of overseas visitors who may not get that today is essentially a celebration of our nation's Independence Day that traditionally combines some sort of cookout, alcohol, and fireworks.  You can leave out the food and drink, but fireworks are a mainstay.

Most communities have some sort of organized firework display because fireworks are dangerous and expensive.  Tonight I'll go to a friend's house that overlooks the valley and I'll get to see about 30 fireworks displays going off at once.  It is pretty epic.

Did I mention fireworks are dangerous?  The fine folks over at World Wide Interweb put together a video entitled "The Ultimate Fireworks Fail Compilation"

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this video is easily worth a million.

Be safe out there guys.....seriously.

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